Writing Limericks

On a poetic soap-box I climb
for a limerick isn't just rhyme.
It has rhythm in threes
which should come if you squeeze,
but to add dirty meanings takes time.

It is right to write three anapests
as a limerick's line form suggests.
Then there's two lines with two
where the topic turns blue
so the last line can finish with breasts.

Our discussion of rhythm and beat
in this art form would not be complete
if we didn't give tips
on the use of one's lips
to embrace its full passion and heat.

The juxtaposition of consonants
leads teeth, tongue and lips in a dainty dance
and an opus of vowels
thrills me through to my bowels
and causes a stir in my underpants.

A limerick's alliteration
applied with some lip lubrication
and a light, rolling lick
or a rough, flirting flick
will likely result in elation.

getting incredibly lazy
grammar driving me crazy
can't give a stuff
few words enough
meaning might seem a bit hazy

An old versifier, through vanity,
preferred not to publish profanity.
The expletives he'd mention
would temper his tension
and interfere with his insanity.