I'm getting faster

I'm managing to improve my rate of limerick production. I've written 14 in the last 3 days. I won't list every one of them here. Once the OEDILF is up and running on its own web space it will be easier to search. In the meantime you can view the current OEDILF collection of limericks here.

Some English words have a variety of meanings. Here are my attempts to show some of the different meanings of age.

When "your age" parents tell you to act
They're just craving conformance, in fact.
They rank you with peers
Based on counting your years,
Regardless of how you react.

We think of our lifetimes in stages
Often badging these stages as ages.
There's the age of consent,
Middle age, then descent
Into paying those ages' back-wages.

An age is a period historical
Like "the Age of [some dude oratorical]."
But, for any one year
What's important's not clear
So it's hard to be that categorical.

A chunk of geological time,
When some life-forms left clues in the slime
All of similar types
Found in strata or stripes --
That's an age served in slices of lime.

My dear, as we age we replace
Many things that we used to embrace.
So I'm planning from now
(You intolerant cow)
To grow old disgracefully, Grace.

I find it somewhat reassuring
That a wine can become more alluring
As it ages. I'd say
I'm improving each day,
But I can't rightly say I'm maturing.

Defining aforesaid was fun. I loved the way the sounds came out.

When you're mooting on matters of crime
(Unlike here, where we're waffling in rhyme)
If you can't use "aforesaid"
Then you're forced to have more said
As you frame the full name every time.

There should be a dictionary entry for flaut. However, this limerick was written to define the word aflaunt.

There was a fair flautist named Anna
Took to lying aflaunt on the pyanna.
Though her flute skills were flawed
Anna's fans all adored
How she flaut in a flirtatious manner.

One more, since it mentions Aaron the Aardvark:

"Ablute" is back-formed from "ablution"
i.e. personal dirt dissolution.
Since our aardvark polluted
Holes where he abluted
'Twas more like dirt redistribution.

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I really like that last one, there. I've always regarded baths as a sort of dirt-redistribution deal, and I was very pleased to see someone else drawing the same conclusion. The wine one was good, too, the one for "ages".

Man, I've got to get in on this thing! As soon as I'm done with all this work rubbish....