April Yawns and Stretches

My blogging has become a little less frequent over the last couple of weeks. The weeks leading up to April 1st kept me busy with plotting and planning hoaxes for EK. I won't bore you with too many details of the multi-layered tricks we attempted. They failed to fool most of the members (who had just been through the Reclaiming Art hoax and weren't ready to believe anything was real). Here's a brief outline.

We seeded the first hoax on April 30th after posting a spoiler in the staff room under the pretext of avoiding upsetting people. A new character made some allegations about me living a dual life, posting lies in my journal and being called Don in real life. The new character had a membership dating from 2002 so that she didn't look like a character created specifically for April Fooling. EKers remained skeptical as we expected, but we needed to make it look like this was the best we could offer as a joke.

The main joke was concocted by the ever-devious Katherine Dinger and implemented using Socar's thinly-disguised street-rat skillz. On April 1st we redecorated EK to look like it had been infiltrated by members of EatPoo. Our administrators posted complaints about being deprived of administrator privileges and inability to remove the new decorations. We created some new characters with Poo-esque names and posted puerile comments in a few forums. The Poo team had already noted their intention to exact revenge for the Reclaiming Art hoax, so the motive was well established. Only the means to perform the hack was difficult to believe.

Some time after most of EK had collectively yawned, news of the apparent hack excited some exuberant congratulatory comments in EatPoo's forums. Their parochial pride was short lived, and the realisation that they had been hoaxed _again_ was met with disappointed acceptance.

Here's a few quotes from EatPoo forums:

  • <!--StartFragment --> wait a sec - is Ebony Keep being Qwn3d by Poo? That'd be too fucking cool.

  • <!--StartFragment --> HAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHA

  • <!--StartFragment --> *wipes away a tear*
    So beautiful...

  • <!--StartFragment --> wtf is EK?
    awesome work btw

  • <!--StartFragment --> lmao, truly the greatest thing I have ever seen except for the movie teen wolf.  

Then after they realised:

  • <!--StartFragment -->DAM THEM! When did a bunch of uptight " register to register to register to join" Bastards get such a sharp wit.

  • <!--StartFragment --> First we get pranked with that religio site, then they use us for their own amusement on april fools day. Double pwned! We suck! Reputation -10000000000

  • <!--StartFragment --> And so my tears become tears of sorrow...

That's all for this year's fool, folks.