June 2004

Some more OEDILF

Some more limericks for the OEDILF (Oxford English Dictionary In Limerick Form) project.

A fiber-free diet left Kit
so bloated she felt she would split.
fell short of elation,
but made it less painful to sit.

Mary penned her most personal prayer;
An outrageously flagrant affair.
She stashed the brash story
In her abditory,
Then promptly forgot it was there.

Should you gloat that your garden's abloom
With bouquets boasting perfect perfume,
I shall snarl that its smell
Is the handiwork of hell
And a hay fever sufferer's doom.


I was away the day they taught sanity at school. I've started creating limericks for the OEDILF (Oxford English Dictionary In Limerick Form) project. So far I've tackled Abraxas, abase and abatis.

A numerological name
Of Basilidian acclaim;
Preserved in arcana,
Jung, Hesse and Santana,
A gnostic trademark it became.

I can't help it if I abase
Myself with the rhymes I embrace.
My limerick proclivity's
addictionary activity
Devoid of all virtue and grace.

A housekeeping tip that I've found
Is to brace rows of spikes in the ground
With their points facing out
As a sturdy redoubt
When the neighbours invite themselves 'round.


Here's some more of my usual dreck, o-
verloaded with verbiage più secco.
Though not true of the duck,
there are times when I suck
and this packbawky's quack doesn't echo.

The OEDILF project

Oh my! This is utterly insane.  The Oxford English Dictionary in Limerick Form.

Must resist!

Must resist!


From today's celebrity news...

... comes a double dactyl:

Snickety Snarkety
Michael Moore's Fahrenheit
goes forth to theatres
dressed up for war:

"Bring it on boys; call me
then watch my customers
come back for Moore."

Other Double Dactyls

... and a limerick:

There once was a Girl, Interrupted,
whose acting career was disrupted.
For grand theft they tried 'er,
that thespian Ryder,
and found all her morals corrupted.

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Upgraded Pivot

I've just upgraded to the most recent version of Pivot (the software used to create this blog) to remove some security holes present in the very old version I had. If there's anything not working, please let me know.

Miscellaneous Birthday Limericks

Looking at the search strings that lead to my site, I see a continuing demand for birthday limericks. Here are a few.

For a father or older man:

You've conquered the aging disease
that brings lesser men to their knees.
You're a vigorous man
and you've proved you still can
blow your candles with only one wheeze.

For a cost conscious parent:

Dad, I'm sure it will give you a lift
that I've shown such commendable thrift
in choosing a way
to remember your day
with this heart-warming message (no gift).

Cat Empire

Last night's entertainment was The Cat Empire playing at the Prince of Wales Hotel in St Kilda. If you're not familiar with them, try thinking jazz + reggae + funk + latino + flamenco + hip-hop + ska all wrapped up in raw energy, a sense of humour and joie de vivre.
I enjoyed their CD without realising just how much I was missing. It's barely a shadow of the band's music. The Cat Empire is a band that must be experienced live.

Aussie Ambassador? *blush*

From his own press: "Irwin: slides down hillsides with penguins; almost rubs noses with the notoriously dangerous leopard seal; and spends time in the inspirational company of two friendly humpback whales."

What part of "don't interact with the wildlife" didn't naive Steve understand?

The Croc-Jock keeps telling tall tales
'cause a ban would be bad for his sales.
My snooping reveals
what he's called by the seals:
Starf Arfwin or Dances With Whales.

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Not many people realise that I used to be a unicorn. How could I once be a unicorn and then no longer? Pour me another glass and I'll tell the tale...

Ah, thanks. Story telling is thirsty work.

And the loveliest of all...

The web is like the world only weirder.

That's my extremely deep and obviously meaningful thought for today. I could rabbit on about how the existence of the web may be an early sign that we're close to discovering exactly what the universe is for and why we are here. Such lapining would be based on a Douglas Adams quote:

There is a theory which states that if anyone discovers just exactly what the universe is for and why we are here, that it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

It seems clear to me (in a very back-of-a-beer-coaster theoretical way) that the Internet is a contender for replacement of the current universe. How long will it be before we plumb ourselves with nutrient feed-lines and jack into a better than life experience? Come on; stick with me on this one. Just imagine that web content does improve. Pretend that you can filter out the gits and whiners and pretenders and spam and incompatibilities and...

Bugger. There goes that argument. There'll be no mass migration to virtual life any time in the near future.

Until a couple of days ago I wasn't aware of the vast glurge mires that are spreading across the webscape. These seem to form naturally wherever there is a confluence of teenage wish-fulfilment literature, excessive spare time and access to daddy's AOL connection. The most cloying of these bogs have a sickly miasma of unicorniness: pictures, stories, poems, myths etc. Some even pose questions like "Are you a unicorn?" and "What does the bible say about unicorns?"

There's a message here for all of us. We can't continue to ignore the importance of the unicorn. To do so would be to disbar ourselves from the richness of discovering our inner unicorns. Your unicorn may have lived a life filled with adventure. Can you afford to miss out on that banquet of narrative--that epiphany of self-understanding? I took the time to explore. I sought the noble beauty inside me. The revelation came to me as a story told by a quiet voice inside my head:

Not many people realise that I used to be a unicorn. How could I once be a unicorn and then no longer? Pour me another glass and I'll tell the tale...

Ah, thanks. Story telling is thirsty work.

On the last day of the battle of Greenthorpe Valley, I and my two brothers were defending Queen Evenhope against a score of berserk trolls. The battle had not gone well that day, but I won't recount the treachery that pushed us to the limits of our strength; suffice to say that we were outnumbered and almost overrun. Evenhope had exhausted her fire and had barely the stamina to cloud the vision of the trolls with her light.

I felt the bilious churn of fell magic and turned to see an ogre appear behind my Queen's back. The ogre raised her axe but I was fast and desperate. The blow never touched the Queen. I blocked the blade on the tip of my horn then dispatched the ogre. Within minutes a horn blast echoed from the southern end of the valley and the trolls fled.

We were victorious.

That same night, the cost of my valour was revealed. The ogre's attack had been meant for me. The ebony blade had notched the tip of my horn, the focus of my might. By morning my horn had split down the centre and the two sides were starting to curl. My hooves began to divide and I knew my purity was lost.

I took my leave of the kingdom while I still had the honour and willpower to do so. The descent from a beast of purity to a creature of taint takes several weeks, but it is complete and irreversible. The noble animal becomes filled with trickery and deceit. On no account should you believe a story told by such a vile creature. Thanks for the drink, sucker.

Jen & Ben

I couldn't resist having a poke at the report of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony getting married. I suppose five months is enough time for Ben Affleck's side of the bed to get cold -- life in the fast lane and all that. The sad part is that within a few years, the power of that short "Bennifer" romance will be lost. The pain of its ending will only live in the reminiscences of the most dedicated fans.

I could make it live forever. I could immortalize it in song. Break out a box of tissues, it's time for a truly heart-rending duet, Hollywood style.

Ben, the two of us had press rapport
but, the tabloids were a crushing bore.
With the Afflection that they've shown
we'd never be alone
and I could never see
how much they worshipped me.

Jen, you're always dating here and there.
You and Marc should make a perfect pair.
If your marriage should unwind
and love becomes a grind
here's one thing you should know:
you know where you can go.

I used to say, "Ben and me"
but for now, "Anthony!"
If Jersey Girl gets to me
just don't let Enza see.

Ben, no bimbo could turn you away
even with those rumours that you're gay.
They don't see the Gigli you.
(Was there one good review?)
I'm sure they'd think again
if they'd spent a year with Ben.