Sometimes dreams make sense. This one from yesterday morning didn't, but at least I can remember it.
I was flying over the western coast of Africa. I guess I was in an aircraft but I didn't notice at the time. I could see almost directly below me, so the supposed aircraft wasn't very substantial. I could make out the shape of the coast and see how it matched the African coast-line from my memory of a world map. I could also see individual trees.
The astute among you would realise by now that my dream had a vast error in scale. If I was close enough to make out individual trees, then I could not possibly have been high enough in the air to recognise coast shapes that would appear on a world map. Did that bother me in the dream? Yes. It did bother me. It was the fundamental problem in the dream - not the lack of security of my aircraft (if any), not the reason why I was flying over western Africa, but that the scales were all wrong.
By the end of that scene of the dream I had concluded that I must have been wrong about my previous estimates of the size of the world. Everything was a lot smaller than I had realised.
The next scene had me driving through a cave of twisting tunnels. There was sufficient flat floor of the cave for driving a small vehicle through, although I can't remember much about the vehicle. I had a companion with me but I don't know who he was. We took it in turns to drive, but I can't remember stopping to change drivers.
In the final scene of the dream I was in Singapore on a train. The air was warm but I was comfortable. I don't know where I was going. I think my companion was the same guy who was driving through the caves with me. He seemed to be a local. At some time the train became a tram driving through a shopping area. I've no idea if Singapore has any trams. I've never been there.
In the cave and train/tram scenes, traveling was the only thing happening. No questions of purpose or destination worried me. There was no feeling of pursuit or important quest.
Looking back on the dream now it seems a bit like a game-world. The scale distortion and the top-down view in the first scene match that idea. Driving a vehicle through cave tunnels also sounds a bit like a game. If it was a game then I stopped playing when it looked like it was going to take me shopping. How stereotypically male of me. ;)
Perhaps the dream describes my life at the moment - comfortable observer, not frightened, noticing the absurdities of life and trying to make sense of them, not driven by any burning ambition or purpose, and happy to let others drive for a while.